Refillable deodorant container [Presale - Delivery May 2021]

He is handsome. It's durable ... and it's remarkable. Your only challenge will be to choose a color. Four choices are offered. We congratulate you for caring about your health, and we thank you for caring (also) about the planet. By purchasing the refillable container, you are helping to reduce...
Couleur :
He is handsome. It's durable ... and it's remarkable. Your only challenge will be to choose a color. Four choices are offered.

We congratulate you for caring about your health, and we thank you for caring (also) about the planet. By purchasing the refillable container, you are helping to reduce the use of single-use cosmetic products.

Don't forget to get a refill - it's not included!

Details on the ika refillable container

Made of durable metal and available in multiple colors, it will look great in your bathroom or at the gym. Who says a deodorant has to be harmless? Beyond the design, it has been intelligently designed to allow easy refill replacement.

  • is compatible with ika deodorant refills - 65g;
  • is available in 4 colors: sky, deep ocean, coral and rock;
  • made of medical grade metal;
  • is refillable and also infinitely recyclable.

Ce produit n’offre pas l’option d’abonnement. Pour t’abonner et recevoir tes futures recharges selon ta fréquence, opte plutôt pour l’ensemble de départ 1 recharge ou l'ensemble de départ 2 recharges

Tu as déjà un contenant et tu souhaites faire partie du mouvement et t’abonner? Choisis le produit Recharges de déodorant compostables – Paquet de 2 unités.


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